According to a student from USM,School of pharmaceutical science of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) offer pharmacy course for those STPM or undergraduate matrix students who fulfill the qualifications. Subjects offered are listed as below:
FIRST YEAR: Principle of pharmacy chemistry, microbiology, basic physiology , statistic, organic chemistry, pharmaceutical dosage form, peripheral nerve system and treatment, communication skill in pharmacy, basic pharmacology and immunopharmacology.
SECOND YEAR: Biochemistry and basic principle of molecular biology, principle of medicine chemistry, physical pharmacy,antimicrobial treatment,organic chemistry II and phytochemistry, endocrine system and metabolism, pharmacognosy, pharmacoinfomatic.
THIRD YEAR:Pharmaceutical analysis, dosage form(design),respiratory,renal,blood system and treatment, cardiovascular system and treatment, practice pharmacy, gastrointestinal system and treatment, central nerve system and treatment, forensic and ethics pharmacy.
FOURTH YEAR: Cancer chemotherapy, concept clinical pharmacy, clinical pharmacokinetic, applied therapeutic, GMP (good manufacturing practice) and QA (quality assurance), hospital practice ,community practice.
Beside this,there are elective subjects offered : Pharmacy biotechnology, management in pharmacy, veterinary pharmacy, cosmetic, marketing in pharmacy, drug and society, pharmacoepidemiology, geriatric pharmacy, pharmacoeconomy, research training.
If you are studying in USM,hope you can enjoy your study.