- Antimalarials:primaquine,parmaquine,pentaquine,quinine,chloroquine
- Analgesics:aspirin,acetanilid,phenacetin,antipyrine,aminopyrine
- Sulphonamides:sulphanilamide,sulphamethoxpyridone,sulphapyridine,sulphapyrimidine & sulphathiazole.
- Sulphones:sulfloxone,dapsone
- Nitrofurans:furazolidone,nitrofurantoin,nitrofurazone
- Dimercaprol
- Methylene Blue
- Phenylhydrazine
- Vitamin K (large doses)
- Quinidine
- Chloramphenicol(only in caucasians)
- Infections:respiratory viruses,infectious hepatitis,infectious mononucleosis,bacterial pneumonias,diabetic acidosis.
- Potentially Haemolytic Food:Fava(broad) beans
- Herbal Medicines:containing Coptis teeta,should be avoided during late pregnancy & post partum if the baby is being breast fed. Several cases of haemolytic jaundice(kernicterus) leading to brain damage have been reported. For more info, please visit http://alternativehealing.org/huang_lian.htm.
- Mothballs(Naphthalene):Babies during their first 3 weeks must not use clothes exposed to napthalene mothballs. Absorption of naphthalene through the skin may precipitate haemolytic jaundice in G-6-PD deficient babies.