Do you know the symptoms of it?
1) Get up at night to urinate?
2) Rush to toilet, but find it hard to start urinating?
3) Weak stream of urine?
4) Feel you still have to go even after finishing?
5) Blood in your urine?
6) Having sexual difficulties?
Why does prostate enlarge? As you age, a male sex hormone called dihydrotestoterone (DHT) starts to build up in your prostate. DHT stimulates your prostate to slowly enlarge. As the gland grows, it presses on your urethra and causing urination and sexual problems.
Why choose SABALSELECT? Again here this product is clinically proven by extensive studies in Europe and US. Saw Palmetto has been used by millions of men as alternative treatment for BPH symptoms. It is shown in many studies to reduce night trips to toilet, improve urine flow and relieve discomfort due to urinary problems.
How Saw Palmetto works? It works by blocking formation of DHT in your prostate, the hormone which causes prostate to enlarge.
Tips for a healthy prostate.
1) Take SABALSELECT daily, together with a variety of vegetables,fruits and grains.
2) Drink lots of water to flush the kidneys and bladder. Try to reduce fluid intake at night.
3) To reduce pressure on prostate, don't sit for long periods.Get up and walk around often.
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