Since I have read many messages on Cynomorium songaricum,I feel very confident that the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine is quite reliable in accordance with a certain clinical evidence.
A long-term Malay customer , he has long been suffered from enlarged prostate interference. He is a very simple type of people, it is easy to introduce products to him. Four days ago, he came to my outlet, i introduced Mentalk to him. Unexpectedly he had tried, someone asked him to try one before, but he didn't put attention to their effectiveness. At that time, I asked him to try two days, once daily. Yesterday, he came back bought the candy to six, I guess he felt the good effect. Perhaps he has a windfall, first of all, I guess the frequency of urination and nocturia had improved inevitably. Secondly, he may be in the background of happiness, he might has been a sexually revival.
A long-term Malay customer , he has long been suffered from enlarged prostate interference. He is a very simple type of people, it is easy to introduce products to him. Four days ago, he came to my outlet, i introduced Mentalk to him. Unexpectedly he had tried, someone asked him to try one before, but he didn't put attention to their effectiveness. At that time, I asked him to try two days, once daily. Yesterday, he came back bought the candy to six, I guess he felt the good effect. Perhaps he has a windfall, first of all, I guess the frequency of urination and nocturia had improved inevitably. Secondly, he may be in the background of happiness, he might has been a sexually revival.
For more info,please refer to the following web site:
http://www.actahort.org/books/765/765_2.htm, http://www.qinhe.net/news.asp?key=1&id=97,http://www.herbalblog.org/chinese-cynomorium-fights-the-pharmacodynamics-action-of-anoxic-and-active-position-and-mechanism-to-study-pharmacological-effects-and-mechanism-of-anti-hypoxia-components-from-cynomorium-songaricum-r/,http://www.tcmlib.com/zy/html71/showdetail-373031312ce99481e998b32c7a79.html。
http://www.actahort.org/books/765/765_2.htm, http://www.qinhe.net/news.asp?key=1&id=97,http://www.herbalblog.org/chinese-cynomorium-fights-the-pharmacodynamics-action-of-anoxic-and-active-position-and-mechanism-to-study-pharmacological-effects-and-mechanism-of-anti-hypoxia-components-from-cynomorium-songaricum-r/,http://www.tcmlib.com/zy/html71/showdetail-373031312ce99481e998b32c7a79.html。
I think this is the time that the poor have the opportunity to change their sexual life style, because Viagra per tablet is RM50, and only RM5 per Mentalk candy. Viagra is not convenient than Mentalk, Mentalk only candy, but Please do not underestimate it.
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