The scientific method used to the food crisis! The proposal of scientists is to develop a pill that containing the various nutritional requirements for human body, eat once daily as long as we feel hungry.
Since World War II,the price of food is rising globally, it rose like a "silent tsunami" and cause 100 million people bogged down in poverty and hunger. Recently, wheat, rice, corn and other crops prices are soaring.
Haiti, Mexico, Guinea, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Uzbekistan, Yemen and other countries, people have started to protest on the streets against rising food prices.
In response to the food crisis, some scientists proposed creating a super food to solve the problem of hunger, for example, such 'food pill' contains all kinds of human nutrition requirements,take it once a day will not hungry for one day.
However, the University of California, Davis, professor Bradford, said: "I do not believe that such a single food can include all types of nutritional ingredients. In addition, the whole day eating food pills will be annoying."
Researchers are still studying non-animal meat. The Netherlands meat science professor at the University is using animal stem cell research a synthetic man-made meat.
In the addition of amino acids, minerals and other growth factors into glucose solution, stem cells can grow into muscle tissue, such meat is called "meat of culture" and theoretically, use a single cell can produce enough food worldwide for human one whole year.
I personally think that the algae may become a super food. Firstly, algae grew up in the water, such as seas, rivers, and lakes water and so on. On the surface of the Earth's water, there is still much space to play because the size of Earth's water area is larger than land area. Secondly, the nutrient-rich algae, has also been recommended as space food .Therefore, I hope Scientists may study it to cope food crisis.
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