If you have a sore back, there's not always a proven method to make it feel better. In fact, some of the most historically common back-pain treatments are now thought to be largely ineffective, if not detrimental. Surgery for back pain, for example, is appropriate only in a small number of cases. Although doctors once assigned back-pain sufferers to their beds, studies suggest that prolonged bed rest may actually delay the recovery.
Chinese medicine can be an alternative treatment for back pain and other spinal degeneration problems. Elgucare is a formula made from Chinese herbal which designed in accordance with fundamental principles of Chinese medicine. It can be used for relieving back pain. Elgucare is developed based on the theory that the growth of bone is closely related with our kidney and metabolic rate. The regeneration of intervertebral disc is facilitated by promoting the cartilage cell regeneration.
Elgucare is a combination of medicinal plants which helps in regulating kidney function, strengthening the liver, improving immune function, promoting blood flow, improving microcirculation and providing proteoglycans and collagen. The active ingredients are:
1. HUANG QI (radix astragalus membranaceous)
Astragalus contains numerous components, including flavonoids, polysaccharides, triterpene glycosides, amino acids, and trace minerals. Several preliminary clinical trials in China have suggested that astragalus can benefit immune function.
2. DAN SHEN (radix salivae miltiorrhizea)
Dan Shen is used to cure stasis due to blood heat, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, mass in the abdomen, and other syndromes. It can also help to improve microcirculation and promote the regeneration of intervertebral disc.
3. GAN CAO (radix glycyrrhiza glabra)
This ingredient is efficacious in the treatment of syndromes due to deficiency of `Qi' in the spleen and stomach and cough with dyspnea. It is applied in the treatment of abdominal pain and spasm and pain of muscles.
4. HUNG ZAO (fructus zizyphi jujubae)
In Chinese medicine, it is prescribed as a tonic to strengthen liver function. Japanese research has shown that jujube increases immune-system resistance. Polysaccharides in this ingredient are important nutrient for the glycoprotein of intervertebral disks. Polysaccharides can lower cholesterol and boost up immune system.
The compendium of Materia Medica mentions that Yu Zhu Shen can tonify deficiencies of the inner body and heal all types of depletion. Modern western medicine finds that it is rich in polysaccharides. It helps in enhancing oxygen level of the myocardium and reducing blood lipid level. It also helps in producing glycoprotein of intervertebral disk.
Shen Jin Cao is a natural tranquilizer. It can relieve rheumatic arthritis and acute supparative arthritis or the diseases of cervical vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae. It can heal damaged cartilage, muscle pain or arthralgia.
The roots of vine usually helps to improve blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Gi Shi Teng is anodyne, antivinous, carminative, depurative and vermifuge.
Patients should keep in mind that there are many treatments methods for back pain and other spinal degeneration diseases. They should find an approach which they are comfortable with and have less complications and side effects. The method of improving kidney function and metabolic rate to promote self recovery of spinal diseases should be a good alternative because it is a natural approach and will not damage the liver.
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