Resveratrol is a member of a group of compounds called phytoalexins. Grapes and other plant produce resveratrol as a protective measure during times of stress,bad weather, or poor nutrient availability or as protection against fungal and other diseases. Grapes sprayed with pesticides that prevent diseases contain little, if any, resveratrol. Wines grown in dry climates have less resveratrol than those grown in humid areas. Generally most wines contain either no resveratrol at all or very little, less than one milligram per glass. Hence, drinking wine is not the best way to go about getting resveratrol since its concentration is highly variable depending on growing conditions of the grapes and how wine is made.
Of all the plants including grapes, the richest sources of resveratrol is the medicinal plant; Polygonum cuspidatum, found in China and Japan.
You may visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resveratrol to learn more about resveratrol.
For your info, Resveratrol supplement in combination with Quercetin in a special liquid capsules is available now in Malaysia i.e. Live-well Juvine 2 (30's) ,RSP is RM83.00
I will elaborate the beneficial health properties in the coming post.
thanks for the sharing. I just start taking juvine2 since last four days. I can see my skin conditin is improving even on the second day.
Awesome post! Have you had a chance to watch 60 Minutes or Barbra Walters segments last weekend about it?
It show promise in mice. For mice, has shown major health improvements including blood sugar control. Keep in mind that 6 out of 10 major drug successes in mice - fail in humans. But the limited human trials showed promise and there are some patients that claim it helps. However, this could be the 'placebo effect,' and only empirical data under controlled experiments can tell for sure. It will take a few years for these clinical trials to conclude.
You can get supplements of the extract right now. While it is safe, it is not guaranteed to work. Before making a decision, you should watch all the videos. Here's the a recap from all the trustworthy shows:
I did some research and learned the following: You can only get 1-2mgs of it in a single bottle of wine. So, white, it's a good excuse to drink wine, but you really won't get much benefit. There are resveratrol supplements on the market - but many do not have the required strength and they don't work for everyone. The only way to know for sure is to try the supplements. Hope you find this interesting... its a future hope for the fountain of youth and treatments (not cures) for countless diseases.
-Linda, the Good Nurse.
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